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Street performer takes the main stage in the park

Rome Artifact 2011/2012 snowboard

Gender/Age: MensPurpose: All mountainShape: Twin-tipBend: CamberBase material: ExtrudedConvex: NoPrice in collection: $$$Flex in collection: soft ○○○○ stiff Original flex index: 3
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Rome Artifact 2011/2012 142.0 snowboard Rome Artifact 2011/2012 144.0 snowboard Rome Artifact 2011/2012 147.0 snowboard Rome Artifact 2011/2012 150.0 snowboard Rome Artifact 2011/2012 153.0 snowboard Rome Artifact 2011/2012 156.0 snowboard


waist: 243 mm


waist: 244 mm


waist: 246 mm


waist: 248 mm


waist: 250 mm


waist: 252 mm
Manufacturer's description

Manufacturer's description

Ollie pop into rail tricks: ollie pop out of rail tricks; blunts and 5-0s without "cheating"; the crisp feel of camber throughout the park: butter fun on the locals' run: creative street features.

Measurements and parameters

Measurements and parameters

Size, cm 142 144 147 150 153 156
Length, mm 1420 1440 1470 1500 1530 1560
Effective edge, mm 1100 1110 1140 1170 1200 1220
Nose width, mm 283 284 287 289 292 295
Waist width, mm 243 244 246 248 250 252
Tail width, mm 283 284 287 289 292 295
Sidecut radius, mm 6900 7000 7250 7660 7880 7970
Stance width, mm 494-574 494-574 514-594 530-610 560-640 560-640
Setback, mm 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rider's weight, kg 39-64 43-68 50-75 54-84 61-91 68-95
This snowboard model in other seasons collections

This snowboard model in other seasons collections

2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 2008/2009
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