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Using the advanced search

 @ 2008-09-17

We'd like to introduce you to the advanced search: although its blue tab looks big and scary and filled with lots of fields and switches, it's easy to use and you can get really interesting results. It's enough to set only one parameter to do an advanced search. For instance, Waist width: from: 25 (cm) - will give you all boards with waist widths starting from 25 cm.

Here's a list of things you can do with the advanced search, combined and separately:

We'd like to introduce you to the advanced search: although its blue tab looks big and scary and filled with lots of fields and switches, it's easy to use and you can get really interesting results. It's enough to set only one parameter to do an advanced search. For instance, Waist width: from: 25 (cm) - will give you all boards with waist widths starting from 25 cm.

Here's a list of things you can do with the advanced search, combined and separately:

  • Define a range, use combinations: FROM (...all boards with the parameter starting from ... with no upper limit), FROM-TO (you get the idea), TO;
  • Limit your search to the brands you need by specifying them in the Manufacturer: field, comma separated. For instance: Burton, Ride;
  • Limit your search to the seasons you need;
  • Search by design - keywords that describe elements used in the boards graphics, like colors, textures ("brushed metal", "wood", "fabrics"), objects ("tree", "skull", "robot"), and associations that the graphics inspires ("1960s", "avantgarde", "minimalistic", "kinetic", "motley", "acid"). The number of tags assigned to boards is low, and the possibilities of the search are limited yet, you can improve the search by adding tags.
  • Search through mens, womens and kids boards separately;
  • Limit your search to the boards specialization you need (freeride, freestyle etc.).

The most popular kind of advanced search, in our opinion, is gonna be one with a combination of length and waist width. Example: Manufacturer: Santa Cruz, Burton, LIB Technologies; Length: from: 155 (cm). Waist width: from: 25.6 (cm). The results are sorted by the date when a collection was added to the databse.