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Nitro Ripper 2011/2012 snowboard

Gender/Age: KidsPurpose: All mountainShape: Twin-tipBend: ZeroBase material: ExtrudedConvex: NoFlex in collection: soft ○○○○ stiff Original flex index: 1
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Nitro Ripper 2011/2012 149 snowboard Nitro Ripper 2011/2012 146 snowboard Nitro Ripper 2011/2012 142 snowboard Nitro Ripper 2011/2012 137 snowboard Nitro Ripper 2011/2012 132 snowboard Nitro Ripper 2011/2012 126 snowboard Nitro Ripper 2011/2012 121 snowboard Nitro Ripper 2011/2012 116 snowboard Nitro Ripper 2011/2012 106 snowboard


waist: 246 mm


waist: 242 mm


waist: 239 mm


waist: 232 mm


waist: 224 mm


waist: 218 mm


waist: 216 mm


waist: 214 mm


waist: 210 mm
Nitro Ripper 2011/2012 96 snowboard


waist: 205 mm
Features and technologies

Features and technologies

Base Hi-Def FH Base
Bend Zero Camber
Construction Softride Flex
Core Power Core
Reinforcement Bi-Lite Laminates
Sidecut Radial Sidecut
Manufacturer's description

Manufacturer's description

The Ripper is strong enough to be ridden by adults, but is designed for a younger, lighter rider. A staple in the Nitro line is the Powercore, because it's lightweight and extremely durable properties. The Ripper has a youth flex and Zero camber, so it is soft, making it easy for a lighter rider to press, maneuver and control. The radial side cut gives the board a consistent and solid edge hold. The twin shape is versatile for younger riders still deciding which foot goes forward and since it comes in our smallest sizes there are plenty of choices to find the perfect match for a younger rider.

Measurements and parameters

Measurements and parameters

Size, cm 149 146 142 137 132 126 121 116 106 96
Length, mm 1490 1460 1420 1370 1320 1260 1210 1160 1060 960
Running length, mm 1110 1090 1060 1020 980 900 850 800 700 600
Nose width, mm 288 284 280 270 260 250 245 240 230 220
Waist width, mm 246 242 239 232 224 218 216 214 210 205
Tail width, mm 288 284 280 270 260 250 245 240 230 220
Sidecut radius, mm 7400 7300 7200 7100 7000 6900 6900 6800 6700 6600
Stance width, mm 520-640 480-600 480-600 460-580 420-540 440-520 420-500 420-500 340-420 340-420
Setback, mm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rider's weight, kg 50- 45-65 40-60 35-55 30-50 25-45 20-40 20-40 0-35 0-30
This snowboard model in other seasons collections

This snowboard model in other seasons collections

2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 2008/2009
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