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Technine Wassup Rocker 2011/2012 snowboard

Gender/Age: MensPurpose: FreestyleShape: Twin-tipBend: RockerBase material: ExtrudedFlex distribution: TwinConvex: NoFlex in collection: soft ○○○○ stiff Original flex index: 3

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Snowboard Technine Wassup Rocker 2011/2012 snowboard Snowboard Technine Wassup Rocker 2011/2012 snowboard Snowboard Technine Wassup Rocker 2011/2012 snowboard


waist: 236 mm


waist: 238 mm


waist: 240 mm


waist: 246 mm


waist: 250 mm
Manufacturer's description

Manufacturer's description

Crank up the tunes and hop on this fresh 9 rocks reverse camber board with sick boombox style an. You wanna have some fun in the park? Aw big presses your thing? Maybe you wanna throw butter moves down in the pow. If so, get on this board today. The Wassup Rocker is available in a number of different sizes, from really small up to the perfect jib sizes for any adult, so riders of all ages can get their jib on. On the 147 and 149 we've increased the stance options, making this the perfect board for all shapes and sizes. A great board for park with a full poplar wood com and a super soft flex. Jump on boxes and rails in the park or just butter down the cat tracks. The Wassup Rocker is a reverse camber created for fun with riders of all sizes in mind.

Measurements and parameters

Measurements and parameters

Size, cm 138 144 147 152 155
Length, mm 1380 1440 1470 1520 1550
Effective edge, mm 1050 1108 1138 1180 1200
Nose width, mm 275 281 283 289 293
Waist width, mm 236 238 240 246 250
Tail width, mm 275 281 283 289 293
Sidecut radius, mm 6400, 7200 6600, 7400, 6800 6800, 7600, 7000 7600 7800
Stance width, mm 370-550 390-570 410-590 460-620 480-640
Setback, mm 0 0 0 10 10
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